In the first post of this 3-part series, we talked about howguest blogging is one of the best off-page SEO techniques to get morebacklinks- Best guide provides our top seo companies in india. And the more natural backlinks you have, the better your ranking will be. But does guest blogging come under what Google defines as"natural backlinks"? We touched on this topic.
If You Haven’t Read the Previous Post on this Topic, Go Hereto Read it Now:
3 Things Google Doesn’t Want You To Do (But You Should)[PART 2]
Here are three things that Google doesn't want you to do butis totally worth doing:
3. Prioritize keywords
Many people believe that keyword stuffing is one of theworst things you can do, and that all posts should avoid this. Unfortunately, many website developers ignore keywordsspecifically and focus on what they consider to be more important. Keywords were, at one point, a more significant factor torank highly in search engines. Contrary to Google's advice, you should focus on whatkeywords are important to your company. Your content should be optimized with the right primary,secondary, and LSI keywords.
- It is important that your website should be designed with the appropriate keywords to attract internet users.
- One often overlooked element in an article is the keyword density, and this should depend on the length of the article or writing.
- You shouldn't stuff your keywords. Repeating these phrasesover and again will not make for a good reading experience.
- But whenever you see opportunities that include keywords,such as meta tags and alt-tags, make sure to use them.
- Optimizing your content with relevant keywords will help yourank higher in SERPs than without.
What's the point of investing so much time and effort intoyour content if you don't know which words to use? Sure, it might be difficultat first but once you get started there are a lot of great resources out there that will help make keyword research for SEO easier. It all starts with concentrating on what people look up while searching online - those searches can give us clues about what they're looking for!
The purpose of this 3-part series is to teach you all thesteps necessary for high-quality SEO. It is not an excuse to ignore Google’sGuidelines or any time-consuming procedures. When I say do things “right,” thatmeans doing things ethically and thoughtfully--in accordance with everythingGoogle demands.
However, SEO is not simply the explanations that the searchengines provide. Was it as simple as that? Companies are spending big money$$$ on top digital marketing agencies in the India.
So, if you’re not strategic and tactical in your SEOapproach, then it will be difficult to rank higher on SERP. Your level ofsuccess essentially depends on what the competition is doing as well.
To rank higher on Google search engine result pages forrelevant keywords, strive to beat your competitors. The bad news is that theyare working with some of the best digital marketing firms in India, America ★★★and may use advanced tactics available to dominate SERP (search engine results page). To outdo them, you might have to be smart about your approach, ahead of the curve in terms of better techniques and tactics.
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Check Out the Previous Two Parts:
3 Things Google Doesn’t Want You To Do (But You Should)[PART 1]
3 Things Google Doesn’t Want You To Do (But You Should)[PART 2]
Author Bio
Amlan Maiti is a champion, versatile Digital Marketing strategist with expertise in domains such as digital branding and ORM. Amlan's use of neuro-marketing to get more leads for his business from Google has made him an especially distinguished professional who can guarantee the best result-oriented value and success for you or your company if he becomes patronized by them. The only thing that stands between Amlan being able to leave excellence on the worldwide web are those companies looking out at their bottom line instead of investing in creativity, innovation, talent development initiatives like hiring talented individuals like himself!